
Peter’s denial of Jesus (Mk 14:26-31, 66-72)

(Questions for meditation) 

  1. What are the key events that Jesus foretold his disciples in verses 27-31? Why did he tell them all these events in advance? (John 14:29-30)

  2. What did Peter want to tell Jesus in his response (v29)?

  3. Why did Jesus immediately respond Peter with the prophesy of his deniel (v30)? What messages did he want to give Peter and the other disciples?

  4. What did Peter want to express to his Lord again in his second response (v31)?

  5. How did Peter enter the court of the high priest? (John 18:15-16)

  6. Please compare the Four Gospels about Peter’s first denial (Mark 14:66-68; Matt 26:69-70; Luke 22:56-57; John 18:17). Who was the first to challenge Peter’s relationship with Jesus? Did the four books mention cock crowing? What do you think how come the maid of the high priest recognized Peter?

  7. Please compare the Four Gospels about Peter’s second denial (Mark 14:69-70; Matt 26:71-72; Luke 22:58; John 18:25). Who challenged Peter this time? How do you know Peter was getting more nervous? Any mention of cock crowing in the four books this time?

  8. Please compare the Four Gospels about Peter’s third denial (Mark 14:70-72; Matt 26:73-74; Luke 22:59-60; John 18:26-27). What was the tone of the challenger this time? How did the challenger know that Peter was Jesus’ disciple? What are the differences of the records of the four books in this denial?

  9. Please compare the Four Gospels about Peter’s reaction on hearing the cock crowing (Mark 14:72; Matt 26:74-75; Luke 22:60-62; John 18:27). What made him weep bitterly? What do you think was in his mind at this moment?

  10. What can you learn from Peter’s failure experience? (Matt 26:41; Rom 7:18-19; I Cor 10:12)

  11. Please read Luke 22:31-32. How did Jesus mend his relationship with Peter? (John 21:14-19)

  12. Please compare and contrast Peter’s denial and Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. What are the differences between the two events? Any reflection after the contrast? (Mark 14:21,44-45; Matt 27:1-5; John 21:18-19)