
Cleanse the temple (Mk 11:15-18, 27-33; Jn 2:13-17)

(Questions for meditation)

  1. For what purposes were the trading activities performed in the temple as mentioned in verses 15-16?

  2. Why was there a timing difference between the records of John 2 and Mark 11 in relation to the cleansing of the temple?

  3. Why did Jesus say that the traders turned the temple into “a den of thieves” (v17)?

  4. What is your reflection on the eagerness of Jesus in cleansing the temple?

  5. Why did cleansing the temple cause the chief priests to have the intent of destroying Jesus?

  6. Why didn’t Jesus plainly tell them where his authority came from?

  7. Why did Jesus first ask them the question of where John’s baptism came from? (John 1:19-27; 3:26-31)

  8. Has Jesus ever disclosed where his authority came from before? (Matt 11:2-6; John 5:33-37)

  9. Jesus did not fear at all the life-threatening danger and the challenges of the chief priests in Jerusalem. What’s your reflection on that?